a two weeks view into the academy

gain two weeks access to 360 player


Elite Player


Our student-athletes and their parents have access to their individual 360 Player profiles. This integrated platform provides the student-athletes the access to calendars, video analytics, player assessments, wellness assessments and more!

Get inside access to the academy for two weeks

Step 1. Fill Out an IDA Application

Fill out our full application to begin the process to two free weeks of 360 Player and begin your journey with IDA. 

Step 2. Schedule a Meeting with an IDA Recruiter to review your application

Set up a time to meet with one of our recruiters who can give you more information, answer any questions, and assist with the IDA process.

Step 3. Gain Access to 360 Player

Enjoy two weeks keeping up with our Academies schedules, film, analysis, and much more! This is a great opportunity to see if IDA is a good fit for you.



At IDA, student-athletes (15-22 years old) from all around the world receive a professional academy football experience coupled with a specific, personalized academic program.



Intensive training and a competitive schedule, with a minimum of 12 hours per week on the field.


Full-board accommodation in sports residence at all of our locations. 


Highly qualified coaching staff with years of experience in dealing with international students. 


Training & trial opportunities with professional and semi-professional clubs. 


ESL courses are available at all IDA locations. 

The mission of the international development academy is to become the global leader in the development and placement of players aspiring to reach their full potential at the professional or college level.


With Our Team

Still have questions? Want to learn more? Fill out the form below to connect with an IDA representative. We look forward to hearing from you!

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